Tuesday 7 October 2014

Source materials?

After several weeks without any new entry, today this blog will come out with one new entry. Yes, one. Just one. Don't even consider yourself to be bored yet as this new topic will help you to understand a little bit about source materials.

I'm pretty sure, not everyone that sneak-peek into this blog knows about source materials. source materials are the sources or places where you got any information or ideas. in other words, it's the materials that you used as references or guidelines in your writing.

In our writing, everything that we take from a source without paraphrasing the sentence must be cited. This is a  crucial step where you can prevent yourself from involved in plagiarism activity. Otherwise, you can be accused to be involved in plagiarism activity and you will receive several bad impacts from this.

Apart from that, many students like us uses journals, search engines and reading materials as their sources to do their writings. For journals, this is considered as the most reliable sources as it comes out from its own author, telling something from their own experience of their author.

The example of a journal

Nowadays, journals are available throughout the web where they are available in pdf. format.
Example of journal in pdf. format

When you use journal as your references and writing guidelines, you need to cite the author's name and the year of the journal being published. such as '(Rodriguez, 2013)'.

Beside that, students that uses search engines such as google, altavista, Babelfish and Yahoo.com also have their own method in order to pay some respect to others' works.

Example of search engines

Students will be needed to do citation in their writing based on their findings, either online journals or any other online readings. At the end of the writings, students need to put the website address where they got their sources in writing, in the references part.

Example of references with list of website used

Well, with all of that information, i guess we're done here and hopefully, I've provided several information that could help all of you in you writings. Till we meet again, xoxo.