Sunday 21 September 2014


Ehem. Today's post is about a mischief act called 'plagiarism'.

Retrieved from, plagiarism defined as the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person. In other words, plagiarism is an act where we make a copy of the other persons' work without giving any credit to him or her.

This action usually done by students, whose prefer an easy way in finishing their task, homework or assignment. This habit could act as a saviour in completing their task, but for sure, there could be a backfire effect that will come as a result to their act such as being barred from examination or given low marks on their assignment if they were caught.

By doing plagiarism, students could put themselves in a bad situation where they could have felt that its easy and fast in completing their task or assignment, but this habit could make the students to be a lazy and a passive student. These students would not put an effort in doing research and survey in order to complete their tasks. Nevertheless, the students more interested in putting effort in copying others' works and creations. In classroom, these type of students won't pay attention to what the lecturers and teachers told them to do. Instead, they could just see and copy the other students' works.

As a student and a future educator, my own thought for this habit is it's just a bad habit that will help you for a while, but will gives you many bad effect that could last for a long time.